Thursday, December 01, 2005

Something to say

Yet again I find myself having written little on here of late, though that's mostly the result of being busy working on other writings; specifically an article for a foreigners magazine here in Taiwan who's deadline for submissions was yesterday. I got it in; we'll see what they think. They're looking for "New Journalism" kind of pieces, a la Tom Wolfe, Hunter S. Thompson, and this was my first extended, at least somewhat serious, experiment in that kind of style. Who knows, maybe they'll even publish it.

Otherwise, I've been working at my new job for three weeks now. Washington America Elementary School is the name and I'm teaching Reading and Social Studies to Grades 1 and 2, and Conversation/Listening to Grades 4 and 5. It's pretty relaxed and being an elementary school and not one of the plethora of "bushibans" or cram-schools that are also everywhere I only work Monday to Fridays. I was offered jobs before this one, but I really wanted to have my weekends off and eventually I found work where I did. I'm only working 17 hours a week though so given that I am here to make money after all, I've been looking for more work to fill in my time and it seems like I may have found some. A school emailed me about evening work 3 times a week so I'm hopefully going to meet with them today and see if it will work. I do like my free time, but after doing very little for my first two months here I need to start getting out of the hole of debt I've dug for myself.

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